Monday, October 11, 2010


Everyone is busy with the commonwealth games and how the country is getting series of medals. It feels great to see our fellow countrymen make the country proud moreover with the Unique Identification Number the country really seems to be progressing in my eyes however impractical these ideas may be but then we are heading towards a technological super power!

But then is this enough to make a country go forward?
We really need to ask this question to ourselves

I will not force you to think that we are in a mess but we truly are in a mess

Look at the crime rates going sky high in the country and the criminals have no fear
Every morning what you get to see in the newspapers is kidnapping, theft and rape; it has become the most rampant problem in most parts of the country. This Divya rape case is over a week old and the police has not been able to find the criminals who sodomised and molested the little girl and I am sure looking at the current scenario that the criminals will go free.

Is it the first case that has come in front of the media?
No, there have been many but how many victims have really got justice?
This is what we need to ask ourselves

Are we heading towards technologically sufficient country that provides no safety??
Is this the world we want to live in?
Is this the world where our next generations should be born and brought up?